This must-have guidance book has been written by Sharon inspired from her guides and other heavenly beings. They know you will love this inspirational guidance book which the content Sharon uses in her work to help guide others on their life’s spiritual journey. The pages are full of 100 plus inspiring verses and wisdom. There are also 44 daily guidance inspirations messages for you at the back of the book to help guide you on your life’s path. This book is also aimed at mediums, spiritual teachers and celebrants to help guide, inspire and heal your clients, students or audience on their spiritual path with our words. These guidance messages will inspire your life and others and bring the help and guidance you all need to find your true self’s. It is available on Amazon as a paper back and Kindle version, also on my own shop.
WOW I have all 9 books now by
Sharon and they each one has not disappointed. This book is full of
inspirational verses, I have already been greatly guided and inspired by
this book. Also I had a grieving friend and the Angel hug verse really
gave her comfort x. Jen