Sharon Milne Barbour

Trance communicator, leader of spiritual knowledge, channeler, speaker, mentor, and international author

Sharon works with her celestial guides channelling their messages to bring you spiritual guidance and healing to help you find your true ascension light path on your Earth’s journey. She is an amazing teacher and mentor guiding each unique individual to fulfilling their potential.

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Sharon's books and oracle cards

All of Sharon’s books have been channelled by her spirit guides to help humanity on they’re spiritual journey. Her books cover various subjects from knowledge of the celestial realms, ascension, the awakening, Quantum era, incarnation and past life’s.

New Earth –
The light beyond the horizon

This book will enlighten you in ways you could …

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The light within Atlantis

This is a story of finding Atlantis – the light in the universe, set in ancient times and tells …

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The Medium’s Handbook:

This book will give you the tools to take your journey towards mediumship and healing; imagine…

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The Magic of Spirit

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Ayderline the spirit within

This is the story of Ayderline, the spirit within, a multidimensional being from the spirit realm…

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Heavenly guidance

The pages are full of 100 plus inspiring verses and wisdom. There are also 44 daily guidance …

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The Magic of Words

You will learn from this book to stay in the positive energy vein, and how to stay in that magic…

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The must-read book ‘Utopia’ has been written by Sharon Bengalrose and her spirit team, to …

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Your daily spiritual guidance diary

We know you will always be inspired by this ageless 366-day spiritual guidance diary

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The Celestial Guardians of Earth

Learn about the Celestial beings that oversee Mother Earth & how they spiritually guide us

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Deep Core

The book is a tool to guide you and the 5 meditations are part of the healing process

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Celestial guidance

These cards will bring you confirmations, actions to take, evoke healing

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The Spiritual Handbook

A Comprehensive Resource for Your Spiritual Development with a variety of trusted practices and techniques

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A Journey of Illumination

Nurturing Your Gifts as a Light Worker Channeler - full of practical examples to help your spiritual path

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A Journey through Creation

The narrative of this tale delves deep into the  wisdom of the creative intelligence within the Quantum domain.

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The Art of Trance

The Art of Trance book serves as a beacon of light to illuminate your spiritual journey through trance.

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